Fermi supports

Fermi Energia generally supports projects and activities aimed at:
- Introduce nuclear energy in Estonia;
- To promote science education in Estonian general education schools;
- To expand the learning opportunities for the youth of Virumaa in the fields of energy;
- Create the next generation of Estonian nuclear specialists;
- Arendada Virumaa elukeskkonda.
Processing of grant applications and general principles
- The basis for the grant is the person's application, which must be sufficiently detailed in terms of the use of the requested support to decide on the purpose of the sum.
- Grant applications (the form can be found here) is submitted to e-mail .
- Grant applications are reviewed and approved by the board of Fermi Energia AS.
- The board evaluates the compliance of grant applications with the conditions for making the grant payment and the goals presented in point 1 and excludes grant payment applications that do not meet the conditions or exceed the possibilities.
- Decisions on the payment of grants can only be made within the budget of the current year.
- Fermi Energia sends a written notification to all grant applicants regarding the approval, partial approval or rejection of their application based on the decisions. If the amounts allocated for the year have already been used, Fermi Energia can immediately notify the grant applicant that the said application will not be granted this year.
- The grant is paid on the basis of an approved application or a signed contract. Fermi Energia has the right to impose additional requirements or conditions on the contract to be concluded in its decision on the allocation of support.
- The responsible person appointed by the board of Fermi Energia controls the appropriate use of the grants and the fulfillment of the contract.
- If possible, the recipient of the grant will reflect Fermi Energia as a sponsor of the project.
- The applicant/beneficiary participates in the co-financing of the project if possible.
- Fermi Energia publishes the following information about the grants paid and the donations made on the Fermi Energia website within one week of signing the relevant decision: the name or title of the grant recipient, the amount of the grant and the justification of how this grant contributes to the achievement of the goals described in point 1.
- The total paid amount of the grant includes all the additional costs and taxes related to the grant.
2024. aastal antud toetused
Anto Raukas scholarship holders
2024. aastal pälvisid stipendiumi kaks TalTechi tudengit – Mirtel Toming, kes õpib rakendusfüüsika eriala, ja Daria Kolomiitseva, kes õpib elektroenergeetika ja mehhatroonika eriala.
Scholarship amount: 1,600 euros + VAT
See more about the scholarship named after Anto Raukas fermi.ee/raukas
Aidu discgolfi rada
Toetasime MTÜ-d Assamait Aidu veekeskuse juurde discgolfi raja loomisel 200 euroga. Fermi Energia nime saab 9-korvise raja esimene korv.
Eesti Füüsika Seltsi sügiskool
Toetasime EFS-i sügiskooli läbiviimist 200 euroga. Eesti Füüsika Selts on oluline panustaja tuumaenergia spetsialistide järelkasvu koolitamisel.
Masters students in nuclear energy
2024. aasta stipendiaatideks said Carmen Tamm ja Sanna Kruusmaa.
Scholarship amount: The Fermi Energia scholarship is awarded for two academic years (2×10 months), 1000 euros per month.
See more about the Fermi Energia scholarship https://fermi.ee/stipendium/
Grants awarded in 2023
Lüganuse municipality
Toetasime Lüganuse valda Kiviõli jõusaali arendamist ja Sonda Kogukonnamaja rahvamaja osa lavakardinate soetamist.
Toetuse suurus: 5000 eurot, millest 1500 Kiviõli jõusaalile ja 3500 Sonda Kogukonnamajale.
Anto Raukas scholarship holders
Academician Anto Raukas scholarship was awarded to three first-year students of Tallinn Technical University from Virumaa - mechanical engineering - and energy technology process management major is studied by Andrei Stepanov andSvetlana Ivanova and electrical energy and mechatronics studentAleksander Gamanko.
Stipend amount: 1600 euros + VAT
See more about the scholarship named after Anto Raukas fermi.ee/raukas
LAE END programm
Tunnustame suurepäraseid põhikoolis füüsikat õpetavaid õpetajaid ja laeme neid lisapalga ning teadmistega!
Toetuse summa: 2 x 2500 eurot
LAE END programmi koduleht
Opinion Festival
Toetasime Arvamusfestivali toimumist 3000 euroga ja korraldasime Festivaliklubi laval arutelu “Kas Eesti on valmis saama tuumariigiks?“
Grants awarded in 2022
Vaata school
We helped the Vasta school in Viru-Nigula municipality in Lääne-Virumaa to buy musical instruments.
Grant amount: 2,000 euros.
Masters students in nuclear energy
For the second year in a row, Fermi Energia sent two young people to study nuclear energy. Elise Poom ja Ayrton Hüüs suundusid õppima Rootsi Kuningliku Tehnoloogiainstituudi (KTH) tuumatehnika magistriõppesse.
Scholarship amount: The Fermi Energia scholarship is awarded for two academic years (2×10 months), 1000 euros per month.
See more about the Fermi Energia scholarship fermi.ee/stipendium
Opinion Festival
We supported the 10th Opinion Festival and also participated in the creation of the Energy Revolution discussion area and also organized two discussions entitled "Is nuclear energy a boy's or a girl's field?" and "Energy for Estonia: sun, wind and SMRs". The discussions are available for listening here.
Grant amount: 2,000 euros.
LAE END programm
Tunnustame suurepäraseid põhikoolis füüsikat õpetavaid õpetajaid ja laeme neid lisapalga ning teadmistega!
Toetuse summa: 2 x 2500 eurot
LAE END programmi koduleht
Grants awarded in 2021
Masters students in nuclear energy
Fermi Energia awarded a scholarship to two graduate students in nuclear energy. Rainer Kelk obtains his master's degree at the Faculty of Nuclear Engineering in a joint program of the Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne and the Swiss Technical University of Zurich (ETHZ). The second scholarship was awarded to Mihkel Aavik, who enrolled in the master's program of the European nuclear engineering study program.
Scholarship amount: The Fermi Energia scholarship is awarded for two academic years (2×10 months), 1000 euros per month.
See more about the Fermi Energia scholarship https://fermi.ee/stipendium/
LAE END physics teacher's support program
The aim of the recognition program is to introduce a methodology that meets the expectations of young people and inspires them. With the help of the Estonian Physics Society, Praktikal and Videoõps, Estonian elementary schools can already in the 2022/2023 academic year make physics lessons more exciting with innovative digital teaching materials and test kits. The promoters are ABB, LHV, Fermi Energia, Eesti Energia, Nordecon and Metrosert.
Grant amount: 3,000 euros
LAE END programmi koduleht
Estonian Nuclear Youth
We supported the NGO Estonian Nuclear Youth order for hoodies.
Grant amount: 768 euros.
We also supported Estonian Nuclear youth to organize Stand Up For Nuclear event.
Amount of grant: 342 euros and 52 cents.
We supported the implementation of Enerhack energy education camps for children.
Grant amount: 3,000 euros
Kunda Skate Park
We supported Viru-Nigula municipality with restauration of Kunda sports center skate park .
Grant amount: 39,600 euros.