NB! See konverents on juba toimunud!

Agenda and presentations



09:00-10:00 Registration and morning coffee
10:00-10:15 Opening words. Jutujuhid: Anu Koppel and Henri Ormus Erki Savisaar, Minister of Environment Sama Bilbao y Leon, Director General, World Nuclear Association Denis Dumont, General Manager Nuclear, Tractebel
10:15-10:30 Importance of SMR deployment in Estonia and Europe Sandor LiiveSandor Liive, Fermi Energia co-founder and Chair
10:30-10:50 OPG väikereaktori rajamise programm Kanadas Robin Manley, OPG, Ontario Power Generation (OPG on Põhja-Ameerika üks suuremaid puhta elektri tootjaid, varustades elektriga pea poolt 14,5 miljoni elanikuga Ontario provintsist)
10:50-11:30 SMRs in Europe Poland:: Rafal Kasprow, Synthos Green Energy (Synthos ja PKN Orlen plaanivad ühiselt rajada esimesed BWRX-300 reaktorid Euroopas) Romania: Teodor Chirica, Nuclearelectrica Great Britain: Sophie Macfarlane-Smith, Rolls-Royce France: Sandro Baldi, EdF/Nuward Chech Republic:: NejedlýČEZ/Dukovany II
11:30-12:00 Overview of Government Nuclear Energy Working Group Meelis MüntSecretary General of the Ministry of the Environment
12:00-13:00 Lunch
13:00-13:30 BWRX-300 safety strategy review based on European requirements Timo Okkonen, Kind Shark
13:30-13:50 Grid services by SMR in Baltic power system 2030+ Alessandro Ferraris, Fortum
13:50-14:10 Suitability of Estonian locations, especially from cooling potential perspective Philippe Monette, Tractebel
14:10-14:30 Low and intermediate level radioactive waste management Hans Forsström, Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB/Vattenfall (SKB hoolitseb kõigi Rootsi tuumajaamade radioaktiivsete jäätmete eest)
14:30-15:00 Socioeconomic impacts of SMR deploymentSKB/Vattenfall/, Cumulus) Paraskevi Danaki, Vattenfall Jaan Urb, Cumulus
15:00-15:20 Coffee break
15:20-15:40 Human Resources Strategy for SMR programmeSKB/Vattenfall/Fermi) Eva Simonsen, SKB / Vattenfall Henri Ormus, Fermi Energia
15:40-16:20 Fermi session – we can do it! Supply chain in Estonia Anu KoppelSupply chain expert ESG of SMRs, Envrionmental Manager Lessons learned in nuclear construction Albert KopjevConstructional Engineer Public opinion and reaching out Mihkel Loide, Head of Communications
16:20-16:40 Fermi Energia preparation program in 2022 Henri Ormus, Fermi Energia
16:40-17:00 Planning for power in 2031 by Fermi Energia Kalev Kallemets, CEO and co-founder of Fermi Energia


Fermi Energia’s third annual New Generation Nuclear Energy Conference had exactly 777 visitors 49 countries.

Aitäh and see you in 2023!