Fermi Energia incorporate ESG – environmental, social, and governance considerations into our business model and strategic decision-making processes.

Our Values: Openness | Veracity | Science-based

Fermi Energia activities directly contribute to the following UN sustainable development goals and targets:


  • Toetame ja ergutame valdkonna (STEM) teadus- ja arendustegevust.
  • Tõstame Eesti konkurentsivõimet läbi stabiilse ja taskukohase elektri.
  • We contribute to the development of the municipality through infrastructure investments, employment and stimulation of local tourism.


  • Employees with the same position and skill receive similar wages.
  • Continuous sustainability monitoring with founders and management.
  • We contribute to the increase of employee satisfaction and professional knowledge.


  • We help fight climate change through CO2-free electricity.
  • The waste, residues and emissions generated as a result of our activities throughout the supply chain do not pose a threat to society.
  • We are building the most environmentally friendly SMR in Europe.



  • Master's and bachelor's scholarships for students studying physics and the energy sciences.
  • Lessons in schools and lectures at universities, public education projects, especially involving women and young people in Virumaa.
  • Long-term fixed-price electricity contracts for businesses and residents in Estonia
  • Establishment of a visitor centre and an additional EUR 35 million investment for local development.


  • Training of Fermi staff at a US technology supplier, specialised trainings and study visits (OPG, KSU, IAEA, etc.).
  • Quarterly founders' workshops - discussing policy and sustainability issues and setting up and implementing a feasibility programme for the construction of the plant
  • Celebrations and events with the team.
  • Ensuring equal rights for throughout human resources policy, including avoiding salary gaps.


  • Reducing the carbon footprint (scope 1-3) through the assessment of sustainable solutions and suppliers.
  • We will develop a safe management concept, both technically and financially, for the waste generated.
  • We develop the best technical solution to protect the water environment.
  • The SMR will comply with all EU BAT requirements for large combustion plants (over 50MW).